Automated Data Exchange (ADE)

By some estimates, health data grows at a rate of 1,000% or more annually. ODS-Cs face ever-increasing challenges in capturing the required information from disparate sources in a usable manner. This circumstance is further exacerbated by the ever-increasing demands of the cancer registry – the onerous changing standards and the mandates for concurrent abstracting.

Our Automated Data Exchange (ADE) technology has been designed to efficiently automate and extract the requisite clinical information across a range of source systems and for multiple workflows – from casefinding to radiation details to death index integration.

ADE services are the pathway to:

  • Jump-starting the collation of registry data to allow ODS-Cs to focus on their value-added work
  • Orienting towards concurrent reporting and concurrent abstracting
  • Positioning the Cancer Registry as the data hub of your organization
  • Realizing opportunities to positively impact the Patient Journey

ADE enables integration with:

  • Pathology Systems (e.g., Epic Beaker, PathNet)
  • EMR (e.g., Epic, Cerner, Epic Beacon)
  • MedOnc Systems (e.g., Epic Beacon)
  • RadOnc Systems (e.g., ARIA, MOSAIQ)
  • Tumor Board software (e.g., Oncolens)

ADE also allows for automated interfaces to enable transfer of registry data to client data warehouse platforms.  

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Case Study

A busy registry team with six ODS-Cs is consistently 7-8 months behind in their latency of cases abstracted. The team allocates 15% of their resources on casefinding. Data collation is routinely conducted across three separate systems and involves collation of over 35 distinct data points before they begin their analytic development of the abstract.

Upon leveraging ADE to implement a Pathology and a Radiation Oncology interface, the team was able to reduce their casefinding allocation to less than 10% and also automate the transfer of numerous additional data fields – all leading to increased productivity and reduced latency. The benefits outweighed the investments by a factor of 4:1 in the first year.